Travels on my mind
stoneware paperclay
24 x 9 x 9, 2022
private collection
I love a good hero’s journey
The good guy beats the bad guy
Lots of action and adventure
Sometimes a love interest thrown in
to make things interesting.
I always think of Luke Skywalker
and how his journey (the point of it)
Was to battle the bad guys and blow up the Death Star.
But really, the hero’s journey is about who Luke becomes
along the way.
How he learns new things.
Travels to far off places.
Gets trapped in some stinky situations
With the feeling that the walls (sometimes)
are closing in on him.
He reaches out for help, makes new friends
with the unlikeliest of people.
He does impossible things
and discovers an inner strength that he doesn’t realize he has.
A strength to do hard things.
He comes out the other side
A changed person.
A bit battered, but more grown up.
He realizes he can do a lot on his own just using the courage he has inside.
An ordinary person, doing extraordinary things.
The real hero’s journey is not about beating the bad guy
It’s about learning who you are as a person.
That, despite the struggles and hardships
The hero will make it to the end
And, sometimes, more than just a little okay.