a good, old fashioned do-over

Jeanine Pennell

Did you ever have a do-over?

It usually happens during a kickball game

The older kids would suggest it

Usually for someone who was having a bad day,

kept missing the ball

or kicking it foul.

No one got mad

or said:

That’s not fair.

Nope, we all went along with it

We agreed it was right.

Because we were just playing a game,

Having fun

The outcome wasn’t going to change anything

Sometimes, I wish we had more chances at a do-over

Not a quit this and start over

No: a good old-fashioned do-over.

The score remains the same

The players are all on the field.

The outs and runs: all the same.

You just get another chance at your turn at bat.

What happened just a few minute before

has been wiped clean - like a dry erase board.

You get one more try

at swinging for the fences

or just getting on base

Making a little progress

instead of striking out

and returning to the bench

Everyone’s chance

at a second chance.


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