How do you become a person who owns three dogs?
15 x 10 x 9 in
stoneware paperclay, underglazes, glazes
private collection
How do you become a person who owns 3 dogs?
If you are like me, it starts with just one.
One you chose, on purpose.
You decided on one.
Years go by and after a while a thought pops into your head:
Maybe your dog needs a friend.
Or circumstances change.
Kids come along
and your dog is your dog
and the kids want their own dog
Which will also become your dog
(If you are a grown-up and realize: all pets are your responsibility)
Then your dog
The one you chose
Gets old, or too sick
and you are back to one dog.
And things feel emptier. Sadder
One day you see your one dog (because there is always one dog)
Playing alone in the yard with a ball
And you think:
My dog needs a friend.
And so it goes
But there is always only two
Sometimes there’s one again, but soon there are two
Because two feels right.
Two is the right number.
Until, one day you are driving
In the middle of a forest
You catch a glimpse of a dog running along side the road
As you drive by.
In an instant you think:
What can be done?
Should you stop and see this lost soul
who has been out on the road far too long
matted and very, very thin?
You pull over
Open the door
And become the kind of person who owns three dogs.