She wore rose-colored glasses
(and brought her baggage with her)
20.5 x 11.5 x 9
stoneware paperclay, acrylic

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You get to choose.

Four simple words
I say them
over and over to myself,
like a mantra

I say them to others, too.

When people ask for advice
they say:

Can I ask you for advice
Can I get your opinion?

And I say
if I remember to say

(because, sometimes, I have lots of words of advice that tumble out of my mouth before I get to the four words I really mean to say)

which are:

You get to choose.

You choose

For me, it sound better than
you decide.

Because decide means decision
which sounds like alot more work.

A list of pros and cons need to be written,
A weighing of options
based on supporting facts
and theories.

You get to choose
Feels more freeing

Gut driven.

It feels right

try it.


Fierce (or: how to do hard things)